

Clock Icon2020.03.17


Google BigQueryにおいて、作成した要素を一覧情報として可視化したい、管理したいというケースがあるかと思います。(ちょうど今私がそんな思いに駆られておりました)












  • テーブルタイプ(table_type)
  • テーブルがDML INSERTに対応しているか否か(is_insertable_info)
  • 常にNoの値を取る項目:意味合いは不明(is_typed)
  • テーブル作成時間(creation_time)

テーブルタイプについては、Google Cloud Storage経由で作成したテーブルもある(テーブル名にgcsと含まれているものが該当)のですが、EXTERNALとならずにBASE TABLEと判断されてしまっていますね...何でだろ?

$ bq query --nouse_legacy_sql \
ORDER BY table_type, table_name'

Waiting on bqjob_rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx_1 ... (0s) Current status: DONE   
|  table_catalog   | table_schema |             table_name              | table_type | is_insertable_into | is_typed |    creation_time    |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset  | bqt                                 | BASE TABLE | YES                | NO       | 2020-03-16 23:21:12 |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset  | bqtable_from_cli                    | BASE TABLE | YES                | NO       | 2020-03-16 10:56:04 |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset  | bqtable_from_console                | BASE TABLE | YES                | NO       | 2020-03-16 05:37:46 |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset  | bqtable_from_gcs                    | BASE TABLE | YES                | NO       | 2020-03-16 16:15:52 |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset  | bqtable_from_gcs_autodetect         | BASE TABLE | YES                | NO       | 2020-03-16 17:02:08 |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset  | bqtable_from_gcs_python             | BASE TABLE | YES                | NO       | 2020-03-16 17:51:08 |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset  | bqtable_from_localfile_autodetect   | BASE TABLE | YES                | NO       | 2020-03-16 14:31:02 |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset  | bqtable_from_localfile_def_schema   | BASE TABLE | YES                | NO       | 2020-03-16 15:03:24 |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset  | bqtable_via_python                  | BASE TABLE | YES                | NO       | 2020-03-16 15:34:50 |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset  | marvel_characters                   | BASE TABLE | YES                | NO       | 2020-03-13 09:21:08 |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset  | maxstrings                          | BASE TABLE | YES                | NO       | 2020-03-15 11:04:51 |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset  | ml_movies                           | BASE TABLE | YES                | NO       | 2020-03-16 12:06:40 |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset  | sample_table_1                      | BASE TABLE | YES                | NO       | 2020-03-11 18:55:35 |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset  | shortlifetable                      | BASE TABLE | YES                | NO       | 2020-03-16 23:35:53 |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset  | t_sales                             | BASE TABLE | YES                | NO       | 2020-03-11 18:56:48 |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset  | marvel_characters_appearances_top30 | VIEW       | NO                 | NO       | 2020-03-17 02:03:45 |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset  | marvel_characters_by_cli            | VIEW       | NO                 | NO       | 2020-03-17 04:09:44 |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset  | marvel_characters_by_python         | VIEW       | NO                 | NO       | 2020-03-17 05:31:07 |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset  | my_shared_view                      | VIEW       | NO                 | NO       | 2020-03-17 04:23:31 |




  • パーティション分割テーブルのすべてのパーティションのデフォルトの存続期間:日数(partition_expiration_days)
  • テーブルのデフォルトの存続期間:日数(expiration_timestamp)
  • テーブルの暗号化に使用される Cloud KMS 鍵の名前(kms_key_name)
  • テーブルのわかりやすい名前(friendly_name)
  • テーブルの説明(description)
  • テーブルのラベルを表す STRUCT の配列(labels)
  • テーブルに対するクエリでパーティション フィルタが必要かどうか(require_partition_filter)
$ bq query --nouse_legacy_sql \
ORDER BY table_name, option_name'

Waiting on bqjob_rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx_1 ... (0s) Current status: DONE   
|  table_catalog   | table_schema |            table_name             |        option_name        |          option_type          |                             option_value                              |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset  | bqt                               | expiration_timestamp      | TIMESTAMP                     | TIMESTAMP "2020-03-30T23:21:12.834Z"                                  |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset  | bqtable_from_cli                  | description               | STRING                        | "a table that expires at 2021, with each partition living for 7 days" |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset  | bqtable_from_cli                  | expiration_timestamp      | TIMESTAMP                     | TIMESTAMP "2020-12-31T23:59:59.000Z"                                  |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset  | bqtable_from_cli                  | labels                    | ARRAY<STRUCT<STRING, STRING>> | [STRUCT("production_mode", "false")]                                  |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset  | bqtable_from_cli                  | partition_expiration_days | FLOAT64                       | 7.0                                                                   |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset  | bqtable_from_cli                  | require_partition_filter  | BOOL                          | false                                                                 |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset  | bqtable_from_console              | expiration_timestamp      | TIMESTAMP                     | TIMESTAMP "2020-09-12T05:37:46.605Z"                                  |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset  | bqtable_from_console              | require_partition_filter  | BOOL                          | true                                                                  |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset  | bqtable_from_gcs                  | expiration_timestamp      | TIMESTAMP                     | TIMESTAMP "2020-09-12T16:15:52.633Z"                                  |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset  | bqtable_from_gcs_autodetect       | expiration_timestamp      | TIMESTAMP                     | TIMESTAMP "2020-09-12T17:02:08.301Z"                                  |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset  | bqtable_from_localfile_autodetect | expiration_timestamp      | TIMESTAMP                     | TIMESTAMP "2020-09-12T14:31:02.420Z"                                  |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset  | bqtable_from_localfile_def_schema | expiration_timestamp      | TIMESTAMP                     | TIMESTAMP "2020-09-12T15:03:24.734Z"                                  |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset  | bqtable_via_python                | expiration_timestamp      | TIMESTAMP                     | TIMESTAMP "2020-09-12T15:34:50.953Z"                                  |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset  | marvel_characters                 | expiration_timestamp      | TIMESTAMP                     | TIMESTAMP "2020-09-09T09:21:08.025Z"                                  |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset  | marvel_characters_by_cli          | description               | STRING                        | "マーベルの登場回数 TOP30"                                                     |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset  | marvel_characters_by_cli          | expiration_timestamp      | TIMESTAMP                     | TIMESTAMP "2020-03-31T04:09:44.746Z"                                  |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset  | marvel_characters_by_cli          | labels                    | ARRAY<STRUCT<STRING, STRING>> | [STRUCT("production", "false")]                                       |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset  | maxstrings                        | expiration_timestamp      | TIMESTAMP                     | TIMESTAMP "2020-09-11T11:04:51.341Z"                                  |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset  | ml_movies                         | expiration_timestamp      | TIMESTAMP                     | TIMESTAMP "2020-09-12T12:06:40.406Z"                                  |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset  | my_shared_view                    | expiration_timestamp      | TIMESTAMP                     | TIMESTAMP "2020-03-31T04:23:31.288Z"                                  |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset  | shortlifetable                    | expiration_timestamp      | TIMESTAMP                     | TIMESTAMP "2020-03-30T23:35:53.487Z"                                  |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset  | shortlifetable                    | require_partition_filter  | BOOL                          | false                                                                 |




$ bq query --nouse_legacy_sql \
WHERE table_schema = "cmbqdataset" AND table_name = "bqtable_from_cli"
ORDER BY ordinal_position'

Waiting on bqjob_rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx_1 ... (0s) Current status: DONE   
|  table_catalog   | table_schema |    table_name    |   column_name    | ordinal_position | is_nullable |     data_type      | is_generated | generation_expression | is_stored | is_hidden | is_updatable | is_system_defined | is_partitioning_column | clustering_ordinal_position |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset  | bqtable_from_cli | user_id          |                1 | NO          | INT64              | NEVER        | NULL                  | NULL      | NO        | NULL         | NO                | NO                     |                           1 |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset  | bqtable_from_cli | user_name        |                2 | NO          | STRING             | NEVER        | NULL                  | NULL      | NO        | NULL         | NO                | NO                     |                        NULL |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset  | bqtable_from_cli | item_bytes       |                3 | YES         | BYTES              | NEVER        | NULL                  | NULL      | NO        | NULL         | NO                | NO                     |                        NULL |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset  | bqtable_from_cli | value_float      |                4 | YES         | FLOAT64            | NEVER        | NULL                  | NULL      | NO        | NULL         | NO                | NO                     |                        NULL |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset  | bqtable_from_cli | value_numeric    |                5 | YES         | NUMERIC            | NEVER        | NULL                  | NULL      | NO        | NULL         | NO                | NO                     |                        NULL |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset  | bqtable_from_cli | value_boolean    |                6 | YES         | BOOL               | NEVER        | NULL                  | NULL      | NO        | NULL         | NO                | NO                     |                        NULL |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset  | bqtable_from_cli | birthday         |                7 | NO          | DATE               | NEVER        | NULL                  | NULL      | NO        | NULL         | NO                | NO                     |                        NULL |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset  | bqtable_from_cli | create_timestamp |                8 | YES         | TIMESTAMP          | NEVER        | NULL                  | NULL      | NO        | NULL         | NO                | YES                    |                        NULL |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset  | bqtable_from_cli | create_datetime  |                9 | YES         | DATETIME           | NEVER        | NULL                  | NULL      | NO        | NULL         | NO                | NO                     |                        NULL |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset  | bqtable_from_cli | create_time      |               10 | YES         | TIME               | NEVER        | NULL                  | NULL      | NO        | NULL         | NO                | NO                     |                        NULL |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset  | bqtable_from_cli | item_geography   |               11 | YES         | GEOGRAPHY          | NEVER        | NULL                  | NULL      | NO        | NULL         | NO                | NO                     |                        NULL |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset  | bqtable_from_cli | item_record      |               12 | YES         | STRUCT<key STRING> | NEVER        | NULL                  | NULL      | NO        | NULL         | NO                | NO                     |                        NULL |




$ bq query --nouse_legacy_sql \
'SELECT * FROM cmbqdataset.__TABLES__ 
ORDER BY table_id'

Waiting on bqjob_rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx_1 ... (0s) Current status: DONE   
|    project_id    | dataset_id  |              table_id               | creation_time | last_modified_time | row_count | size_bytes | type |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset | bqt                                 | 1584400872834 |      1584400872848 |         0 |          0 |    1 |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset | bqtable_from_cli                    | 1584356164444 |      1584356164444 |         0 |          0 |    1 |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset | bqtable_from_console                | 1584337066605 |      1584337103950 |         0 |          0 |    1 |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset | bqtable_from_gcs                    | 1584375352633 |      1584375352633 |     72165 |    3701768 |    1 |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset | bqtable_from_gcs_autodetect         | 1584378128301 |      1584378128301 |     72165 |    3701768 |    1 |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset | bqtable_from_gcs_python             | 1584381068625 |      1584381358018 |     72165 |    3701768 |    1 |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset | bqtable_from_localfile_autodetect   | 1584369062420 |      1584369062420 |     62423 |    3177691 |    1 |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset | bqtable_from_localfile_def_schema   | 1584371004734 |      1584378261078 |    134588 |    6879459 |    1 |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset | bqtable_via_python                  | 1584372890953 |      1584372890953 |     62423 |    3177691 |    1 |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset | marvel_characters                   | 1584091268025 |      1584091268025 |       173 |      27762 |    1 |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset | marvel_characters_appearances_top30 | 1584410625082 |      1584411473343 |         0 |          0 |    2 |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset | marvel_characters_by_cli            | 1584418184746 |      1584418184837 |         0 |          0 |    2 |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset | marvel_characters_by_python         | 1584423067216 |      1584423067377 |         0 |          0 |    2 |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset | maxstrings                          | 1584270291341 |      1584270572916 |         4 |     425043 |    1 |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset | ml_movies                           | 1584360400406 |      1584360400406 |     62423 |    3177691 |    1 |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset | my_shared_view                      | 1584419011288 |      1584419011418 |         0 |          0 |    2 |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset | sample_table_1                      | 1583952935240 |      1583952935411 |         0 |          0 |    1 |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset | shortlifetable                      | 1584401753487 |      1584401753585 |         0 |          0 |    1 |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset | t_sales                             | 1583953008700 |      1583966890527 |        15 |        435 |    1 |




$ bq query --nouse_legacy_sql 'SELECT * FROM cmbqdataset.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.VIEWS'
Waiting on bqjob_rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx_1 ... (0s) Current status: DONE
|  table_catalog   | table_schema |             table_name              |                 view_definition                  | check_option | use_standard_sql |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset  | marvel_characters_appearances_top30 | SELECT                                           | NULL         | YES              |
|                  |              |                                     |   name_alias,                                    |              |                  |
|                  |              |                                     |   appearances,                                   |              |                  |
|                  |              |                                     |   gender,                                        |              |                  |
|                  |              |                                     |   full_reserve_avengers_intro,                   |              |                  |
|                  |              |                                     |   year,                                          |              |                  |
|                  |              |                                     |   years_since_joining,                           |              |                  |
|                  |              |                                     |   honorary,                                      |              |                  |
|                  |              |                                     |   notes                                          |              |                  |
|                  |              |                                     | FROM                                             |              |                  |
|                  |              |                                     |   cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx.cmbqdataset.marvel_characters |              |                  |
|                  |              |                                     | ORDER BY                                         |              |                  |
|                  |              |                                     |   appearances DESC                               |              |                  |
|                  |              |                                     | LIMIT 30                                         |              |                  |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset  | marvel_characters_by_python         |                                                  | NULL         | YES              |
|                  |              |                                     | SELECT                                           |              |                  |
|                  |              |                                     |   name_alias,                                    |              |                  |
|                  |              |                                     |   appearances,                                   |              |                  |
|                  |              |                                     |   gender,                                        |              |                  |
|                  |              |                                     |   full_reserve_avengers_intro,                   |              |                  |
|                  |              |                                     |   year,                                          |              |                  |
|                  |              |                                     |   years_since_joining,                           |              |                  |
|                  |              |                                     |   honorary,                                      |              |                  |
|                  |              |                                     |   notes                                          |              |                  |
|                  |              |                                     | FROM                                             |              |                  |
|                  |              |                                     |   cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx.cmbqdataset.marvel_characters |              |                  |
|                  |              |                                     | ORDER BY                                         |              |                  |
|                  |              |                                     |   appearances DESC                               |              |                  |
|                  |              |                                     | LIMIT 30                                         |              |                  |
|                  |              |                                     |                                                  |              |                  |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset  | my_shared_view                      |                                                  | NULL         | YES              |
|                  |              |                                     | SELECT                                           |              |                  |
|                  |              |                                     |   name_alias,                                    |              |                  |
|                  |              |                                     |   appearances,                                   |              |                  |
|                  |              |                                     |   gender,                                        |              |                  |
|                  |              |                                     |   full_reserve_avengers_intro,                   |              |                  |
|                  |              |                                     |   year,                                          |              |                  |
|                  |              |                                     |   years_since_joining,                           |              |                  |
|                  |              |                                     |   honorary,                                      |              |                  |
|                  |              |                                     |   notes                                          |              |                  |
|                  |              |                                     | FROM                                             |              |                  |
|                  |              |                                     |   cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx.cmbqdataset.marvel_characters |              |                  |
|                  |              |                                     | ORDER BY                                         |              |                  |
|                  |              |                                     |   appearances DESC                               |              |                  |
|                  |              |                                     | LIMIT 30                                         |              |                  |
|                  |              |                                     |                                                  |              |                  |
| cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx | cmbqdataset  | marvel_characters_by_cli            |                                                  | NULL         | YES              |
|                  |              |                                     | SELECT                                           |              |                  |
|                  |              |                                     |   name_alias,                                    |              |                  |
|                  |              |                                     |   appearances,                                   |              |                  |
|                  |              |                                     |   gender,                                        |              |                  |
|                  |              |                                     |   full_reserve_avengers_intro,                   |              |                  |
|                  |              |                                     |   year,                                          |              |                  |
|                  |              |                                     |   years_since_joining,                           |              |                  |
|                  |              |                                     |   honorary,                                      |              |                  |
|                  |              |                                     |   notes                                          |              |                  |
|                  |              |                                     | FROM                                             |              |                  |
|                  |              |                                     |   cm-xxxxxxxxxxxxx.cmbqdataset.marvel_characters |              |                  |
|                  |              |                                     | ORDER BY                                         |              |                  |
|                  |              |                                     |   appearances DESC                               |              |                  |
|                  |              |                                     | LIMIT 30                                         |              |                  |
|                  |              |                                     |                                                  |              |                  |



という訳で、Google BigQueryにおける各種リソースの一覧情報取得に関するまとめでした。



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